At Personal Best, we understand that everyone is unique. We offer a number of services to help you maintain your optimal level of health, wellness, and youthful appearance throughout the aging process.
Health & Wellness Services
Personal Best Health & Wellness has joined forces with like-minded health professionals to offer a variety of services at
New Dimensions Wellness Center, located at Horseshoe Pond — 60 Commercial St. Suite 303, Concord, NH, 03301.
Check out our group of wellness providers and the holistic services provided at New Dimensions Wellness Center
Check out Direct Primary Care services provided by Charlotte Phaneuf, APRN, FNP-C
Medical Aesthetic Services
Rejuvenate your appearance with injectable treatments
Facial expressions/muscle movements repeated over time, such as scowling or squinting, can result in lines/ creases in the skin that deepen with age. Relax facial muscles to smooth lines/ wrinkles with Dysport
As we age, we lose volume in our upper face, which results in hollowing of the cheeks and unwanted folds of skin in the lower half of the face. Restore or enhance facial volume to improve contour with Restylane dermal fillers.